Yeah, that's what you want; become a JW survive Armageddon and live in wedded bliss forever in Paradise.
Fncking moron.
hello everyone, i have an on and off again ex who is a jw.
each time her family gets involved and she's gone again.
i'm debating biting the bullet and doing the work to become baptized, so we can follow through with our engagement.
Yeah, that's what you want; become a JW survive Armageddon and live in wedded bliss forever in Paradise.
Fncking moron.
ok.. we have often heard secret recordings online of jc hearings.
but, what i would like to know is if individuals are entitled to the right of officially recording their judicial hearings?.
supposing i was to attend a judicial committee and i explained up front that i would like to record the proceedings and then place a dictaphone on the table.
keinlezard said, in part, "It depends of the type of trial .."pénal" or "civile" ( I don't know the exact Terms in English )
In English, those would be "criminal" ("pénal") and "civil" (civile").
It is always enlightening to see how other countries view what we would call "human rights."
so, the ministry of defence is reviewing the legislation exempting jws from military service.
apparently active members service is deferred every 3 years as long as they remain active..
now it may be considered problematic, unconstitutional.
GOOD! Make them work to earn their deferment!
...on the other hand, what military unit would want to encumber themselves with a cowardly incopetent superstitious JW in a position to cause great harm to themselves and/or others?
Maybe the MoD would be better advised to let sleeping dogs lie?
ok.. we have often heard secret recordings online of jc hearings.
but, what i would like to know is if individuals are entitled to the right of officially recording their judicial hearings?.
supposing i was to attend a judicial committee and i explained up front that i would like to record the proceedings and then place a dictaphone on the table.
As scratchme1010 said, it is a matter of local law. There really is no such thing as "universal rights."
When a person becomes a JW by submitting to the ritual baptism and answering "YES" to the questions asked them, they become members of a closed society and have agreed to abide by the laws of that closed society.
Break those laws and unleash "sturm und drang".
i have seen so many that have left.
and their life turned into a dumpster fire.
most do not live the average life of living in suburbs, raising a family.
The simple answer is that people are simple. .
sheriff: jehovah's witness sexual abuse suspect arrested in clackamas co.. posted: feb 13, 2018 5:39 pm cstupdated: feb 13, 2018 6:21 pm cst.
by fox 12 staff.
You picked the correct Zalkin Law Firm, Liz - the one on the east coast is not in any way connected to Irwin Zalkin's field of expertise. The east coast guy is a specialist in criminal defense - maybe the Watchtower can hire him and have a "Zalkin v Zalkin legal death match"!
i was wondering if co's who get 'green handshakes' ever report their 'income' from these jw benefits?
in the us even gifts beyond a certain amount must be reported.
jw's like to claim how honest they are, do they report all their income?.
carla, why limit your flights of fancy to a mere $75? Go for the gusto! Make it $75,000,000 dollars!
You are still missing the FACT that it is the GIVER - the GIVER, the GIVER, the GIVER - who has the tax obligation.
You are ENVIOUS of IMAGINARY people who are receiving IMAGINARY gifts. Try to get and maintain a grasp on reality.
I was able to build the UADNA Orbiting Space Platform because MILLIONS of XJWs each gave me gifts of BILLIONS of dollars each. I paid no tax on any of it. I don't recall you gifting me a cent however. It must be lost in the paperwork.
Here's another theoretical situation for you to ponder: how many pinheads can dance with an angel in WT HQ? .
sheriff: jehovah's witness sexual abuse suspect arrested in clackamas co.. posted: feb 13, 2018 5:39 pm cstupdated: feb 13, 2018 6:21 pm cst.
by fox 12 staff.
LizD, I'm curious about why you chose Zalkin. How did you get his contact info? I'm asking because there are TWO Zalkin Law Firs in the US - one on each coast. Which did you go with?
i was wondering if co's who get 'green handshakes' ever report their 'income' from these jw benefits?
in the us even gifts beyond a certain amount must be reported.
jw's like to claim how honest they are, do they report all their income?.
carla, it seems you missed the point that when a gift is given in excess of $14k, it is the GIFT_GIVER who must pay the taxes, not the person who receives the gift.
If you have evidence of people giving gifts in excess of $14k, why don't you report it to the IRS?
i think many jw's have secret fears in common, but don't often voice them.
it's too bad because then they might wonder why?.
for instance, one day at work while i was talking to one of the witness ladies, (on her belief of some bible proof of the last days) she suddenly lowered her voice.
By the way, I'm an atheist. I think maybe I always was, even when I was 7 years old and my mom was "jehovizing" me.
When I was a young man, but still in, there were doctrinal points that I knew I couldn't defend rationally, but from time to time I would do something like throw out a piece of artwork (sculpture) given to me by a non-JW because of a superstitious feeling that *MAYBE* it could be demonized, and *maybe* that was the reason I had an argument with my wife.
Really stupid stuff, but the JWs essentially teach that we live in an irrational world in which ANYTHING - disembodied voices, floating demon eyeballs, exploding chickens, angelic bodyguards, OUIJA boards that jump into the air and fly apart or will not burn - is possible.